Mission Statement - The United Chirch of Christ - Gary

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We are an African American congregation that is unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian.  We believe that both arms of the cross are relevant to our ministry.  The vertical arms, which reach toward heaven, represent our spiritual connection to our God.  The horizontal arms, which reach out toward humanity, represent to us our responsibility to the world that the Lord loves.  We offer a spirit-filled worship under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

We are committed to social justice in our community and the world.  Thus, we seek to be a 7-day-a-week church that not only gives God praise on Sunday, but praises God through our service to God's people every day that God gives us breath.  We are committed to biblical education and cultural education of Africans in Diaspora.  We are committed to the words of Jesus that say we should "love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength."  We welcome all who love the Lord regardless of education, social background, or economic situation to come and share in the hope, the joy, and the labors of the Lord with us.

Pastor John E. Jackson, Sr.

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